Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8

"¡La Quiero!"

¡La Quiero! 
200×150 cm, 78×59'' on Fabriano paper.
Wally Wood’s Lil Abner. Shotgun wedding. 
Pittsburgh To Lebanon

Oooops..... I forgot to tell him that I’m a real k*@t

“Archie, Betty, and Cupid”
Poor Archie. He’s confused. But he’ll figure it out -- eventually. 
Love is love isn’t love. Well, whatever it is, they at least got laid. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Tell that to Archie. 
220 × 180 cm mixed media on linen. Metallic silver ground.
R.E.M.: ''The One I love''. The only good song they've ever done.  And this version.

Tuesday, April 11

Love's Not Love

‘‘Love's not Love’’ and ‘‘Love's Love”.
From Wally Wood’s, L'll Abner.
GalerĂ­a Esther Montoriol, JU JA. Painting Show. Pere Llobera and Syd Mostow, June to September 2020.

Thursday, April 6

Mickey Mouse and Pluto

“Love's not Love”. GalerĂ­a Ester Montoriol, 2020. JUJA. Mickey Mouse doing it with Pluto. It’s Cupid’s fault. 

As vulgar as this seems, it's about the cupid.

Installation View Expo at Atelier Cora Egger, Barcelona

"Love's Not Love” at Atelier Cora Egger, June 6, 2019, Barcelona.
The theme of the show deals loosely with the theme of love in: carnal love, lost love, promised love; and the related themes of gender, power, morbidity, sexism, and pornography. This was the first time I had shown my work in a solo show in a long time. The work was new, and the timing of the show couldn't have been better. Thanks, Cora!
This was one of the first raster gnomes I painted. They are all the same theme and subject. A landscape, central gnome in the foreground. A knife in one hand, a bleeding heart in the other.

I was invited to a small group show at Cora's space a few months earlier. She offered me the space to do a solo show. Lots of artists and friends that I hadn't seen for a long time came out to the opening. That felt good.