Showing posts with label cunnilingus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cunnilingus. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 11

JUJA Paintings Pere Llobera & Syd Mostow

Collaborative painting show with Pere Llobera. We decided to work the same format, 2 × 1.5 meter paper works on a similar theme. That was in 2020, at GalerĂ­a Esther Montoriol in Barcelona.

Thursday, April 6

Mickey Mouse and Pluto

“Love's not Love”. GalerĂ­a Ester Montoriol, 2020. JUJA. Mickey Mouse doing it with Pluto. It’s Cupid’s fault. 

As vulgar as this seems, it's about the cupid.

Don't Eat Meat, Eat Pussy

A friend’s (Geni F., R.I.P.) daughter has tattooed on the back of her arm “EAT PUSSY, NOT ANIMALS”.  I am not sure if she's vegetarian or vegan, but she's definitely against eating certain kinds of meats. I think she'd approve of this painting, which got trashed, BTW.